Hero of the Hidden Leaf
Naruto: Shippuden is an anime that began in 2007 that was adapted from part 2 of the Naruto manga series. It continues the same storyline after the passing of two and a half years in the Naruto universe.
Shunned since birth, Naruto strived for acknowledgement while pursuing his dream to become Hokage. Through many hardships and ordeals, he became a capable ninja known in the village and throughout the world as the Hero of the Hidden Leaf. He proved his worth playing an integral role in winning the Fourth Shinobi World War.
Keep hydrated as you activate your Shadow Clone jutsu with this Naruto metal drink bottle. With a handy carry strap on the lid, you'll never forget your drink of choice!
Grab yours today!
- Capacity: 500mL
- Material: Stainless steel
- Care Instructions: Hand wash only - do not microwave. Wash before use. Do not overfill.
Official Naruto licensed merchandise