A Feudal Fairy Tale
Kagome Kigurashi is a regular teenage girl, who accidentally travels back in time to feudal Japan when a demon attacks her, claiming her to be in possession of a Shikon No Tama, or 'Sacred Jewel'. When she discovers that she is the reincarnation of another girl who fought a hanyo named Inuyasha who tried to steal the jewel. Though mortally wounded she sealed him in an enchanted sleep and took the jewel with her to the afterlife. With other demons after her, Kagome must awaken Inuyasha and work with the demon to keep the Shikon No Tama safe.
This Pop! Vinyl figure features Kagome with Kirara, a fire neko-youkai used for transportation.
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- Size: 9.5cm tall approx.
- Material: Plastic/Vinyl
Officially licensed merchandise