One of the most watched television shows of the 1990s, this show was a true-to-life comedy series that follows the events of a group of friends. The group consists of Jerry Seinfeld, a stand-up comedian who questions every bizarre tidbit about life; George Costanza (Jason Alexander), a hard-luck member of the New York Yankees organization; Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), a flashy woman and book editor who is not afraid to speak her mind; and Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards), an extremely eccentric, lanky goofball.
Dine in style with this Seinfeld Soup Bowl with Lid. Featuring an explosion of everything you love about Seinfeld, it holds plenty of whatever warm and cozy winter meal you fancy.
Grab yours today!
- Material: Ceramic with Plastic lid
- Care instructions: Dishwasher & Microwave safe. Lid dishwasher safe (top-shelf only) and microwave safe. Wash before first use.
Official Seinfeld licensed merchandise