Mankind's greatest fear is Mankind itself.
Neon Genesis Evangelion tells the story of Shinji Ikari, a student recruited to pilot a giant biomechanical robot created to fight mysterious alien-like entities known as Angels attacking the post-cataclysm territory of Tokyo-3 alongside the other Evangelion pilots and members of Nerv. In the process, they are called upon to understand the ultimate causes of events and the motives for human action.
RG presents the second addition to their Evangelion line up, ProtoType Unit-00. Jointed in the spine and shoulders, this Real-Grade kit provides all sorts of flexibility in selecting and attaching parts. Pieces from "Evangelion: 1.0 You Can Assemble" are also compatible and can be used with this kit. With seven different types of hands, two knives, and a rifle included, you can customize and recreate any scene you want.
Grab yours today!
- Scale: 1:144
- Material: Plastic
Officially licensed merchandise