Digimon are the Champions
Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters" is a Japanese media franchise encompassing virtual pet toys, anime, manga, video games, films and a trading card game. The franchise focuses on Digimon creatures, which are monsters living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks. Children from Earth known as DigiDestined team up with various Digimon to help save both worlds from evil.
- The popular Four Sovereigns are included as ACE cards! All four can be used as the key card when building a deck. Huanglongmon, the embodiment of Earth, is also included as a Digimon card for the first time! A total of 12 Digimon cards in the popular Deva category are also included! Plus, Sayo and Koh from the Digimon Story game series also get cards for the first time!
- 1 additional SEC type with an English-exclusive alt-art version! EX05 also has 1 SEC card exclusive to the English version! This card features an illustration created especially by an overseas artist!
- 12 cards per booster