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Pokemon - TCG - Eevee Evolutions Protector Sleeves

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Harness the power of Potential

Eevee isn't necessarily the strongest Pokemon to use in battle, but its power is in its potential to evolve into one of eight different possible Pokemon! Each evolution is extremely powerful, making Eevee a popular choice among trainers.

Harness the power of potential with these Eevee Evolution Protector Sleeves that feature the 3 original evolutions, Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon. 

Grab yours today!


  • 65 standard size Deck Protector® sleeves in each pack
  • Made with acid-free, non-PVC polypropylene materials
  • ChromaFusion Technology™ prevents peeling
  • Protect your cards during gameplay or storage

Official Pokemon licensed merchandise

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