Plus Ultra
The anime series My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a person born with no unique superpowers in a world full of superheroes. Though born without a Quirk, he manages to catch the attention of the legendary hero All Might due to his innate heroism and has since become his close pupil and a student at U.A. High School. All Might passed on his Quirk to Izuku, making Izuku the ninth holder of One For All.
This Pop! features Moe 'Burnin' Kamiji. Moe is a young woman with big red-orange eyes and pointy teeth. Her most distinguishable feature is her long, flaming yellowish-green hair, with two bangs on each side and a wider bang going from the centre of her forehead to the right. The ends of her fingers are also notably pointed.
Add her to your collection today!
- Size: 9.5cm tall approx.
- Material: Plastic/Vinyl
Official My Hero Academia licensed merchandise