Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...
The four nations of Air, Water, Earth and Fire lived in harmony until the Fire Nation declared war. A century later, there is still no end in sight to the destruction, then, an Avatar named Aang discovers that he has the power to control the four elements. He joins forces with Katara, a Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka, to restore balance and harmony to their world.
Magpie Games is excited to bring you Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game, the officially licensed tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra! With over a decade of roleplaying design and publishing expertise, Magpie Games has created an innovative system that brings the world of the Four Nations to life in a tabletop roleplaying game that captures the heart of the Avatar franchise: balance, heroism, and the power of friendship.
Avatar Legends: The RPG includes setting information seeded with plot hooks for your game, numerous playbooks representing the archetypes of heroes fans love from the television shows, a full set of custom mechanics for adventuring across the Four Nations, an adventure to get you started on your journey, and much more. Delve into the Four Nations like never before in an immersive role-play experience that challenges you to find balance in a world in desperate need of heroes. Yip yip!
The Combat Action Deck is a 54-card deck designed to give you easy tracking for combat exchanges, useful during all exciting action sequences.
- 54 cards
Official Avatar: The Last Airbender licensed merchandise