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Pokemon - Mew Pink Crew Socks

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Pokedex Entry #151:

Mew, the Mythical pokemon. So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people. Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it. Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques. When viewed through a microscope, this Pokémon's short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.

We know how important it is to keep sock collections fresh and full of Pop Culture! Our Socks are fully licensed and feature unique designs that are sure to impress all your friends and this is one pair you just can't miss.

Grab yours today!


  • Size: One Size Fits Most
  • Material: Cotton/Polyester/Elastine

Official Pokemon licensed merchandise

Franchise Pokemon Brand Pokemon Colour Pink Sock type Crew Category Clothing > Socks Sku285757
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