The Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, enter new chapters in their lives as they balance their responsibilities as protectors of Marvel’s New York. As Harry Osborn, Peter’s best friend, returns into his life, and Miles looks to build his future beyond high school, the relationship between our heroes is tested and strained as the Symbiote appears to threaten them, the city, and the ones they love.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is the next game in PlayStation's critically acclaimed Marvel's Spider-Man franchise. Developed for the PlayStation®5 console in collaboration with PlayStation and Marvel Games. Peter Parker and Miles Morales return as the two main playable characters, with each having their own dedicated missions, and both playable during free-roam in open world.
Keep an eye out from characters from the Spider-Man comics rich history. Most notably, Venom, an extraterrestrial symbiote capable of bonding to human hosts makes an appearance. There's also more to explore, with the game expanding on the New York City overworld from previous games.